Our Parish Ministries

Parish ministries

Parish ministries are what sustains the life of the community. Depending on the size, diversity, and needs of a particular community, there could be more of them in a large parish, but some are essential. 

Parish Council

The Parish Council is composed of faithful men and women who are dedicated Orthodox Christians and who sacrifice their time, talents, and resources for the management of the Church community. 

Altar Servers

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, altar servers assist the clergy during services. They might carry the cross, candles, etc. in processions and entrances, and help with other necessary activities in the altar.

Bible Study Group

Bible study is of fundamental importance for a meaningful and responsible Christian life. After the renovations of our church basement are complete, we will offer Bible study to those parish members who are willing to participate. 

Music Ministries

If you have a voice to help our church choir, please contact our choir director, Tatiana Demeschik.